Things I Have Learned from Photography #1
In 2011, Darren Rouse of Digital Photography School posted an article, 100 Things I Have Learned from Photography, which was originally written in German by Martin Gommel. I read through the first 20 or so “learnings”, all good, and then skipped to #100. I always like to know how things end. #100 is, and I quote, “Write a 100 things list”. I have started my list. It is simultaneously amusing and difficult to try to think of things to add to the list. I now have come up with more than 52 things that I have learned, so I have decided to post one each Sunday on the blog. There may be an accompanying commentary or a picture, or not. So why am I posting today since it is not Sunday? It is a way of introducing this post that will be added weekly on Sundays at noon. I will generally not announce it.
1. If you use a camera, you are a photographer.
It is not the camera that you use that makes you a photographer.
You might wonder why I would even think of this as something that I have learned from photography. Actually, it is a fairly controversial issue, particularly among professional photographers. I understand their issues. There are certainly new, untrained photographers out there who offer to “take” wedding pictures for free. That can represent job loss for a professional photographer. It also feeds the angst that quality photography no longer matters. In addition, it erodes the public impression about what it takes to be a skilled photographer. And it is not just professional photographers who think this way. One of the people I asked to contribute a photo to the blog told me, “I am not a photographer.” My thought was, “Oh, you are so a photographer.” I tend to be inclusive and that leads me to see many things on a continuum. So yes, if you use a camera, you are somewhere on the photography continuum. Your place on the continuum is determined by your skill and creativity. The goal for all of us is to keep moving up on the continuum.
If you use a camera, you are a photographer.
Have a fun and safe New Year celebration. Be sure and take a picture on January 1st to start the new year off right.